The Recap Of Sister Wives: Janelle Says Kody Only Remembers

After realizing their shared ex-husband, Kody Brown, reportedly never paid attention to them about their passions or travel aspirations, Janelle Brown backed their sister wife Meri Brown.
Meri, 53, met Kody, 55, and Robyn Brown on Sunday, December 1, to go over finally paying off Coyote Pass, their empty land in Arizona. She initially raved over her recent London vacation, though.
After realizing their shared ex-husband, Kody Brown, supposedly never paid attention to them about their interests or travel aspirations, Janelle Brown backed their sister wife Meri Brown.
Meri, 53, met Kody, 55, and Robyn Brown on Sunday, December 1, to go over finally paying off Coyote Pass, their empty land in Arizona. She initially raved over her recent London vacation, though.
With a great smile, Kody said, "Stonehenge?" Other amazing locations must exist as well.
Rolling her eyes at Kody's comment, Meri clearly felt offended by his response. “Remember when we used to be married and remember when we used to, like, be interested in each other and remember when — how I’ve been obsessed with Stonehenge?” she said. “Did you not know that I’m obsessed with Stonehenge and how important this was to me?”
Kody didn’t vocally answer. Instead, he merely sat at the table and nodded his head. “I mean, I’ve only talked about it and obsessed about it for 25 years,” Meri later told the cameras of the U.K. milestone.
She then stated, “It’s interesting, you know, when you realize that something that was so meaningful that your partner really had no idea and really could care less.”
Meri — who declared her breakup from Kody in January 2023 after more than 30 years of marriage — wasn’t alone in her dissatisfaction with the family patriarch. Janelle, 55, informed the cameras she experienced similar encounters with Kody throughout the years before their separation in December 2022.
“I honestly have found Kody will forget things that are important to me that I’ve been talking about unless he’s interested in it,” Janelle revealed. “Or he can use it as somehow leverage to say, ‘You need to do this, and we can do this. You need to complete this so we can travel to Ireland.’”
Christine Brown concurred with both of her former sister wives, stating, “If you wanted to do things with Kody, you really had to live in his world and do things in his world and what he was interested in.”
She stated when it came down to “what you were interested in” Kody would be like, “Eh, not so much. Not really [interested].” (Christine, 52, left Kody in November 2021.)
Read Also: Kody Wants To Stroll Meri Down The Aisle For Next Wedding
Kody, however, attributed his seeming inability to pay attention to his wife, both past and present, on his gender. “Oh gosh, I’m a guy. There are certain things I’m simply going to remember and there are certain things that just aren’t going to matter to me, even if they do matter to you,” he said in a confessional. “Sometimes it’s just selective memory.”
Kody’s attention span — or lack thereof — wasn’t the only issue his ex-wives didn’t agree with him on during Sunday’s show. Janelle and Meri had quite different opinions than Kody regarding what should happen with their Coyote Pass property.
Prior to paying off the land in Flagstaff, Arizona, Kody had sectioned up areas for each household. There were two lots for Kody and Robyn, whom he is still married to, one lot for Janelle and Kody and one lot for Janelle, Meri and Kody. (The second Kody and Robyn plot was previously Christine and Kody’s but she handed it to him after they split.)
During the second part of Sunday’s show, viewers learned that Kody had tentatively swapped up the plans as they prepared to pay in the money. Robyn, Janelle, Meri and Kody would all have their own plot, with Kody and Meri sharing a center piece of land between their two lots.
“Right now, we’re kind of in this no man’s land,” Janelle told the cameras. “Like, I have a lawyer. Kody’s not really talking to me about what he wants to do. He’s not acting excited or enthused or even, like, eager to move ahead with this. And I would just as soon he buy me out, but I simply want to get this done and sold and split four ways.”
Meri, however, stated she wants to obtain an evaluation even if Kody doesn’t want one. “I’m not married to Kody anymore. I’m not part of Kody and Robyn’s unit. I have to watch out for myself,” she said in a confessional. “I talk about it like Kody’s in charge of the whole property. It’s because he truly has a monopoly on it. His name is on every single piece of property.”
She continued, “If it gets to the point that I would need an attorney, I would do that. I hope that it doesn’t go there, but I would do it if I need to.”
Janelle remarked that she feels separating the property is simply going to lead to additional troubles. “I believe that Kody is resistant to getting an appraisal because he knows he’s making out like a bandit,” she stated. “Now he wants us to trust that he knows what he’s talking about with the values of the property.”
Robyn agreed to the evaluation proposal as well, but Kody stated it is too much effort. “I look out there and it’s sort of a source of pain in a way,” Kody added. “I don’t want to put in more money. I don’t want to do assessments. I don’t want to talk to attorneys about it. I don’t know what to do. I’m not interested in doing anything.”
The meeting concluded at a stalemate, leaving the topic of how they would finally split the property — and who will either build on it or sell — open ended.